Well, I'm back in Estonia! It's been a busy few days but I've had a bit of down time today to update you all about what I've been up to.
Traveling was a bit hectic; I showed up to the airport to find that my first flight (to Chicago) had been cancelled. However, they were able to put me on another flight that left a little earlier, and since I was traveling alone for the first time they gave my mom a pass to come with me to the gate. All three of my flights went smoothly, but I'm sure I looked like a lost puppy at times in the unfamiliar airports. I got to Tallinn late afternoon and took a bus to Tartu, and finally arrived at about 9:30pm. I was so happily surprised to a big welcoming committee of many my girl friends from last year!
My host family, Beth and Steve, are from America, and have been living here for 3 years now working with YWAM, a missions organization. I also have another roommate, MK, who is a 16 year old Estonian girl. They've all made me feel very welcome and comfortable.
My first full day, Tuesday, I met up with my friend MK (different MK) who is sort of overseeing Justin, who I got to finally meet as well, and myself so that we could get some stuff done such as exchanging money, get Estonian cell phones, and meet with people from Risttee to talk about our summer schedule and activities and camp planning. The rest of my day was pretty relaxed, my friend Marcus from Kohila English camp, my first camp in Estonia, came to visit me, and I spent the night learning new card games with my host family.
Today I had another adjustment day. Spent some time in town with Justin and MK, and spent some time with friends.
Jet lag hasn't been an issue for me, thank goodness.
On Friday I'll be going to Tallinn with some of the girls from the church to Bible Days, which is a weekend-long Christian conference; I'm really excited about it.
As far as prayers go, we will start camp planning next week, and at this point we have nothing, so prayers for our plans to all go smoothly and that we'll get everything put together in time with low stress would be greatly appreciated.
I'll probably be updating here every few days, or whenever I find time!
Once again, thank you so much to everyone who's support made it possible for me to be here. Feeling so so blessed.
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